April 3, 2020 – The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (Trust) has awarded more than $710,000 in grants to organizations across the state in the third quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2020.

These grants are a part of the trustee approved $24M grant program for FY 2020. Each year the Trust provides grant funding to Alaska organizations that serve Trust beneficiaries, including various nonprofits, state agencies and entities advancing projects that promote long-term system change and/or innovations that improve the lives and circumstances of Trust beneficiaries. Grants are awarded throughout the year.

The mission of the Trust is to provide leadership in the advocacy, planning, implementing and funding of services and programs for Trust beneficiaries. Beneficiaries include Alaskans who experience mental illness, substance use disorders, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias, and traumatic brain injuries.

Below is a complete list of Trust grants awarded in the last quarter. You can learn more about the grants in a quarterly grant report posted online.

Organization Name Project Title Grant Amount
Interior Alaska Center For Non-Violent Living (Fiscal Agent for the Bridge) Supported Employment Bridge Funding $70,000
Anchorage Community Mental Health Services Peer Support Services Program Pilot Launch – Phase 1 $55,200
Valley Charities, Inc. 2020 Reentry Summit – Tools For Change $5,000
Anchorage School District ASD Mental Health Consultative Model – Pilot Expansion $75,000
Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children Anchorage AEYC Early Childhood Conference $5,000
Southcentral Foundation Exploration of Crisis Stabilization Models $29,485
Covenant House Alaska Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Provider Summit $5,000
Nome Community Center, Inc. My Home Nome $4,635
North Star Community Foundation Fairbanks Youth Action Board $3,200
Interior Alaska Center For Non- Violent Living Fairbanks Homeless Encampment Service Delivery $75,000
Love INC Fairbanks Fairbanks Prevention & Diversion project $50,000
Alaska Association On Developmental Disabilities 2020 Legislative Advocacy & Education $24,885
Catholic Social Services Interpretation Access in Mental Health Services for Forced Migrants $10,000
Ptarmigan Pediatrics, LLC FASD Diagnostic Training for Interdisciplinary Clinical Teams $5,258
Stone Soup Group 2020 Parent Conference: Person‐Directed Lives‐A Shared Vision for the Future $5,000
Alaska Sports Hall of Fame 2020 PLAAY Summit Support $2,500
Alaska Black Caucus Bettye Davis African American Summit $2,500
Alaska Brain Injury Network 2020 Alaska Brain Institute $2,500
Hope Community Resources, Inc. An Intercultural Approach to Healing TBI $2,500
Sultana New Ventures LLC dba The Foraker Group Health TIE Startup Phase $45,000