Commercial Real Estate

Many Trust parcels are situated in urban areas and have the potential for dense residential or commercial use. Serving the Trust's mission, the Trust Land Office generates income through the commercial real estate program from ground and building rents, as well as occasional sales of parcels. Where appropriate, the Trust Land Office enhances the value of the Trust’s real estate portfolio through acquisitions, development or exchanges. Final acquisition, sale and leasing decisions are made after a thorough review of circumstances affecting the property and the status of the real estate market in the area at the time.
Commercial real estate management is segregated into three management areas: real estate development, real estate investments, and program-related investments.
Real Estate Development
Vacant Trust land in high value areas continues to provide unique opportunities for revenue as unencumbered land continues to increase in value. Additionally, vacant holdings in high value areas may be lacking basic infrastructure so efforts are undertaken to master plan, entitle and provide needed infrastructure for the development of these parcels. The Trust Land Office manages multiple ground leases throughout the state and strives to establish additional long-term leases capable of generating additional income for the Trust and it's beneficiaries.
Real Estate Investment
Generating revenue to support a comprehensive integrated mental health program for Alaska, the Trust’s current portfolio includes seven investment properties.
Program-Related Investment
This type of real estate asset has the specific purpose of serving Trust beneficiaries directly. The Trust’s current portfolio includes five PRI properties.
Real Estate Investment
The Trust’s current portfolio includes seven investment properties.
Current Offerings
Anchorage: UMED Development Parcel, NE Corner of 40th & Laurel Street. C2-UMED
Anchorage: Downtown Development Parcel, 5 Contiguous Lots Forming the Southwest Corner of W. 7th & L Street. L Street
Anchorage: UMED Development Parcel, NW Corner of Northern Lights Blvd & Bragaw Street. CPL-UMED
Closed Offerings