Are you interested in behavioral health and Alaska’s continuum of care? We want to hear from you.
A draft of Strengthening the System: The Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Program Plan for Alaska is currently out for public review with comments due on April 12, 2019.
The Department of Health and Social Services in coordination with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and other state boards, commissions, and agencies developed this draft plan through a stakeholder driven process with a vision for Alaskans to receive the comprehensive prevention, treatment, and support services needed to lead to meaningful lives in their home communities.
Strengthening the System’s work is formatted with Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Resources to provide state agencies and local communities a blueprint from which to improve services and continue to improve outcomes for Trust beneficiaries. When adopted, this plan will help guide state and Trust investments for the next five years.
Comments can be sent via email to You can find a link to the draft plan and additional information on the DHSS webpage and on this Online Public Notice. Your comments are appreciated, and will be considered as the plan is finalized.