Competitive Timber Sale – Naukati Young Growth Timber Sale

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
Trust Land Office
Competitive Timber Sale – Naukati Young Growth Timber Sale
Naukati- Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
MHT# 9101044
MH Parcel CRM-7062 & CRM-7063

Invitation for Proposals, Proposals are due no later than March 7, 2022

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Trust Land Office, gives formal notice that it intends to dispose using an Invitation for Proposal process for the purchase of commercial timber.  The timber will be marketed to a list of local mills and interested parties maintained by the DOF Southeast Area Office. The timber volume is up to 20 million board feet (mmbf) of young growth timber.

The Trust land affected by the decision is The property is about 3 miles N of Naukati on Prince of Wales Island: CRM-7062 & 7063: T69S, R79E, portions of sections; 1, 2, 11, 12, & 13 T68S, R79E portions of sections; 30, 31 & 32; T 68S, R78E portions of sections 25 & 36 containing about 500 acres (sale area), more or less, which is a portion of a larger parcel of approximately 4,933 acres (west Naukati section of AMHT Land Exch.) additional areas may be added.

The timber sale area consists of land acquired by the Alaska Mental Health Trust (AMHT) by a land exchange with the US Forest Service (USFS).  The AMHT has been conveyed about 10, 875 acres of land in the Naukati Area on Prince of Wales Island.  The Trust Land Office (TLO) which manages lands for the AMHT is making available all the young growth timber of suitable age for timber harvest in this land exchange area.  The timber sale area is accessed from the Prince of Wales Island Road system, primarily National Forest Highway 43 (20 Road).  The timber sale is expected to be up to about 500 acres of young growth timber and contains up to 20 million board feet (mmbf) of spruce, hemlock, red and yellow cedar. (Please refer to Attachment A, which generally depicts the location of the sale area).     

Copies of the Request for Proposal information package are available for review at the Trust Land Offices web site: