Public Notice Invitation for Proposals : Trust Land Office Competitive Timber Sale – Shelter Cove Timber Sale – Ketchikan

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

Trust Land Office

Competitive Timber Sale – Shelter Cove Timber Sale

 Ketchikan, Alaska

MHT#: 9101005

MH Parcel: CRM-7059

Invitation for Proposals, Proposals are due no later than January 22, 2021.

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Trust Land Office, gives formal notice that it intends to dispose using an Invitation for Proposal process for the purchase of commercial timber.  The timber will be marketed to a list of local mills and interested parties maintained by the DOF Southeast Area Office. The timber volume is up to 100 million board feet (mmbf).

The Trust land affected by the decision is about 14 ½ mile NE of Ketchikan, Alaska, and is more particularly described as: within CRM- T73S, R92E, portions of sections; 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 & 36: CRM- T73S, R91E portions of sections; 24 & 25; CRM-T74S, R92E portions of sections: 1, 2, 3 & 4: Portions of Parcel CRM-7059.

The timber sale area consists of land acquired by the Alaska Mental Health Trust (AMHT) by a land exchange with the US Forest Service (USFS).  The AMHT anticipates receiving conveyance of up to 8,882 acres of land in the Shelter Cove Area Ketchikan, Alaska in January 2021.  The Trust Land Office (TLO) which manages lands for the AMHT is making available all the old growth timber suitable for timber harvest in this land exchange area.  The timber sale area is accessed from Ketchikan by the Shelter Cove Road system which is under construction.  A portion of this timber sale contract will require the successful proposer to reconstruct 3.3 miles of this road and replace 6 bridges on this road system.  This road work is outlined in Addendum F and will be a design and build agreement and contain maintenance responsibilities.  The road will be funded through a Reimbursable Service Agreement (RSA) with the Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT).  The timber sale is expected to be about 4,308 acres of old growth timber and contains up to 100 million board feet (mmbf) of hemlock, spruce, red and yellow cedar. (Please refer to Attachment A, which generally depicts the location of the sale area).     

Copies of the Request for Proposal information package are available for review at the Trust Land Offices web site:

For more information contact- Paul Slenkamp @

Please review the below for more information:

Invitation for Proposals (IFP) – 9101005 – Shelter Cove

Attachment C to IFP – 9101005 – Shelter Cove

Design Build to IFP – 9101005 – Shelter Cove