Best Interest Decision As Modified – Negotiated Land Sale – Hourglass Lake – MHT 9200734

Action: Adopt the Best lnterest Decision dated April 18 ,2023, regarding the above referenced disposal as
final, with modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated April 18,
2023, constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance with 11 AAC 99.040.
Notice under 11 AAC 99.050. The Trust Land Office published the public notice of the decision to
complete a negotiated land sale on Horseshoe Lake, in the Big Lake area, in the Matsu Valley Frontiersman, on the State of Alaska’s online public notice website, and distributed the notice to the Matanuska Susitna Borough, Cook lnlet Region Incorporated, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, and other interested public and private parties on April 26,2023.
Summary of Comments: Three comments were received. Two competing offers were received requesting
to purchase the property. The competing offers are addressed in the modifications section below. One agency comment was received from the Alaska Department of Fish & Game stating that the parcel is adjacent to Hourglass Lake, an anadromous waterbody, and requires a fish habitat permit for work below ordinary high water. The agency’s comment has been forwarded to the applicant.

Trust Authority Consultation: The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority was consulted on this matter on
April 18,2023.
Modifications: As two comments were received suggesting that the Best Interest Decision dated April 18,
2023, should be substantively modified to better serve the interest of the Trust and its beneficiaries, the
Executive Director determined that the qualified competing offers of $19,000 and $20,100 are accepted for the property. An outcry auction between the three parties was held June 9, 2023, to determine a final sale price. The highest bid received during the outcry auction was a bid from original applicant lnsook Baik for $70,000. Insook Baik was the highest bidder therefore the parcel was awarded to Insook Baik for a sale price of $70,000.

Final Decision of the Executive Director: Considering all of the above, the Executive Director of the Trust
Land Office hereby adopts the Best Interest Decision dated April 18,2023, as modified above, as final.
Reconsideration: Persons who submitted timely written comments during the notice period that ended May 26,2023, are eligible to request reconsideration of this final best interest decision under ll AAC 99.060(b) within 20 calendar days after publication of the notice or receipt of the final decision, whichever is earlier. A request for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director. This request must be accompanied by the fee established by the Executive Director under I I AAC 99.130, which has been set at $500, to be eligible for reconsideration. Before filing an appeal to the Superior Court under AS 44.62.560, a person must be eligible to request and must actually request reconsideration within the time specified above.
The Executive Director shall order or deny reconsideration within 20 calendx days after receiving the
written request for reconsideration. If the Executive Director takes no action during the 20-day period
following the request, the request is considered denied. Denial of a request for reconsideration is the final
administrative decision for purposes of appeal to the superior court under AS 44.62.560.

To view the full Best Interest Decision As Modified, please click the link below:

Best Interest Decision As Modified MHT 9200734