The Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office’s 2020 Fall Land Sale Auction is underway, with final bids due November 16, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. This year’s land sale auction includes 47 parcels in locations across Southcentral, Southeast, and Interior Alaska that will be sold to the highest bidder. Revenue generated from land sales will help fund programs and services that …

Trust Releases FASD Diagnostic Team Data Analysis, Policy & Prevention Recommendations for Alaska

The Trust has released a report summarizing years of Alaska data pertaining to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), and outlining prevention recommendations. The Trust contracted with the McDowell Group for this report, and intends for findings and recommendations to help inform FASD related planning, programming, policy and decision making. The report may be found on our website at:

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Negotiated Placer Lease – Twin Creek – MHT 9400733

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office BEST INTEREST DECISION AFFIRMED Negotiated Placer Lease – Twin Creek MHT 9400733 MH Parcel(s) F70015 Action:  Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated July 10, 2020 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated July 10, 2020, constitutes the final decision …