Best Interest Decision – 2013 Land Sale

In accordance with AS 38.05.801 et. seq. and the implementing regulations governing Alaska Mental Helath Trust (“Trust”) land management (11 AAC 99), Trust land shall be manageed consistently with the responsibliities accepted by the state under the Alaska Mental Helath Enabling Act (P.L. 84-830, 70 Stat. 709 (1956)). This means that management shall be conducted solely in the best interest …

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Negotiated Land Sale with the City and Borough of Wrangell

Decision to adopt the Best Interest Decisiondated January 7, 2013 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. The decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated January dated January 4, 2013, constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance with 11 AAC 99.040. Download Documents: BID Affirmed – Negotiated Land Sale with the City and Borough …

BID – Negotiated Land Sale, Hollis

Download Documents: 2013 January – BID Hollis Community Negotiated Sale 2013 January – Public Notice – Negotiated Land Sale, Hollis

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Pennock Island Negotiated Sale

Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated November 20, 2012 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated November 20, 2012 constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance with 11 AAC 99.040. Please click on the link below for more information. 2013 January: Best Interest Decision Affirmed – …