Notice of Decision to Adopt January 2015 Resource Management Strategy Update as Long Term Asset Management Strategy

Notice is hereby givent that, the Executive Director of the Trust Land Office has determined that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to adopt the January 2015 Resource Management Strategy as the TLO’s long term asset management strategy. To view the Administrative Decision, click Decision to Adopt January 2015 RMS Update If …

Notice of Best Interest Decision – Kasaan Timber Sale Addition

The Executive Director of the Mental Health Trust Land Office has found that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to add an additional 4,577.5 acres and 5 million board feet of timber to the Kasaan Timber Sale. To view the signed Best Interest Decision, Click Best Interest Descision _ Kasaan Timber Sale If you …

2014 Annual Report: Diversify/Develop/Defend

Managing the Trusts statewide resources is a challenge and a privilege.  This last fiscal year, we produced over $11 million through the programs we manage on Trust Land.  Over the last 20 years, the TLO has generated over $165 million from this same management.  [read more]

Best Interest Decision – Dispose of Parcels through the Annual Land Sale Program

The Executive Director of the Mental Health Trust Land Office has found that it is in the best interest of The Trust to dispose of lots in the Seaduck Subdivision through the annual land sale program. Click BID 2015 Land Sale to view the signed Best Interest Decision. If you believe this decision should be altered because it is not in the …

Resource Management Committee Meeting January 27, 2015

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority with conduct a Resource Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 27, 2015  from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  This meeting will be held in the Permanent Fund Corporation Board Room in Juneau Alaska, 801 West 10th Street, Suite 302. Click January 27, 2015 RMC Packet to view the meeting materials.

Notice of Best Interest Decision – Rosalie Coal Lease – Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc

The Executive Director of the Mental Health Trust Land Office has found that it is in the best interest of The Trust to negotiate a lease of Trust land near Healy for coal exploration and development with usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. Click Best Interest Decision – Rosalie Coal Lease – Usibelli Coal Mine to view the signed Best Interest Decision. If you …

Invitation For Proposal – Control Lake Timber Sale

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) requests proposals from qualified individuals or firms to harvest timber from a portion of the Alaska Mental Health Trust’s holdings on Prince of Wales Island (POW) in the vicinity of Thorne Bay, Alaska.  This Invitation For Proposal is open until 2:00 PM on Friday, October 8, 2014. Invitation For Proposal – Control Lake …