(May 14, 2020) The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (Trust) welcomes new trustee Rhonda Boyles, who was appointed by Governor Dunleavy earlier this year.
A longtime resident of Fairbanks, Rhonda is a retired restaurant owner who has held many leadership positions in the Fairbanks business community, and who served as the Mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough from 2000-2003. Once honored as Fairbanks Business Person of the Year, Rhonda has served on many boards and commissions, including as chair of the University’s Statewide Vocational Education Advisory Board and board chair for the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce. Later in life, Rhonda worked for the Alaska Pioneer Homes and most recently as a caregiver for her late husband, Vern, who suffered from Diffuse Lewy body disease and its associated dementia. Rhonda currently resides in Anchorage.
“The business and public sector experience that Trustee Boyles brings to the Trust will be a great benefit to our organization,” said Chris Cooke, acting chair of the board of trustees. “My fellow trustees and I look forward to working with her to oversee and manage Trust resources in ways that make real, positive differences in the lives and outcomes of Trust beneficiaries.”
There are seven trustees that oversee the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. Appointed by the Governor, confirmed trustees serve 5-year terms. To see a current roster of trustees, visit: https://alaskamentalhealthtrust.org/about/governance/board-of-trustees/
Contact: Allison Biastock, Chief Communications Officer Allison.Biastock@alaska.gov