
A large portion of Trust land was specifically selected for its abundance of traditional energy resources (oil & gas, coal) and associated revenue-generating potential. The Trust’s coal, oil and gas resources are principally located in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. Some natural gas production has already been realized from natural gas on the Kenai Peninsula and in West Cook Inlet. The importance of that production is growing as more wells are drilled. New discoveries are essential for continuing growth in Trust land oil & gas production. Such growth is critical to retain the Trust’s capacity to generate revenue to fund Trust beneficiary programs.
Current Offerings
The TLO maintains a portfolio of multiple energy resource projects and creates partnerships with companies that fund major exploration work and resource development on Trust land.
The Trust Land Office offers Trust land for oil and gas, and coal leasing and encourages active development of lands leased under this program.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Karsten Eden
Minerals & Energy Section Chief
Phone: (907) 269-8656