Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has issued a final finding and determined that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to complete a negotiated mineral lease of certain Trust land to the Felix Gold Alaska, Inc. The basis for this determination is explained in a modified best interest decision prepared by the Executive Director pursuant to 11 AAC 99.040.
Persons who submitted timely written comments during the notice period that ended 4:00 PM Alaska Standard Time on July 30, 2021, are eligible to request reconsideration of this final best interest decision under 11 AAC 99.060(b) within 20 calendar days after publication of this notice or receipt of the final decision, whichever is earlier. A request for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Executive Director and must clearly follow submission requirements outlined under 11 AAC 02.030. This request must also be accompanied by the fee established by the Executive Director under 11 AAC 99.130, which has been set at $500, to be eligible for reconsideration. Before filing an appeal to the Superior Court under AS 44.62.560, a person must be eligible to request and must actually request reconsideration within the time specified above.
The Executive Director shall order or deny reconsideration within 20 calendar days after receiving the written request for reconsideration. If the Executive Director takes no action during the 20-day period following the request, the request is considered denied. Denial of a request for reconsideration is the final administrative decision for purposes of appeal to the superior court under AS 44.62.560.
Copies of the written decision are available at the Trust Land Office, or at If you have any questions concerning this action, please contact the Trust Land Office at (907) 269-8658.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Alaska Mental Health Trust is prepared to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Please contact the Trust Land Office at (907) 269-8658 for assistance. Requests for assistance must be received at least 96 hours prior to the comment deadline in order to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.
The Executive Director of the TLO reserves the right to waive technical defects in this notice or to amend, postpone, or vacate the best interest decision.
To view the full Public Notice and Best Interest Decision Modified (BIDA-M), please click the below link: