Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Decision to Dispose of Madson Subdivision Parcels through the Trust Statewide Land Sale Programs – Moose Pass

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office BEST INTEREST DECISION AFFIRMED Decision to Dispose of Madson Subdivision Parcels through the Trust Statewide Land Sale Programs – Moose Pass TLO Project No.: 2020-175 Madson Subdivision MH Parcel: S20084 Action:  Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated December 11, 2020 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision …

Public Notice of the Decision to Rescind Best Interest Decision – Negotiated Mineral Lease for Amanita Project – Fairbanks – MHT 9400743

Alaska Mental Health Trust AuthorityTrust Land OfficeDecision to Rescind Best Interest DecisionNegotiated Mineral Lease for Amanita Project – FairbanksMHT #9400743 Notice is hereby given that the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined to rescind the Best Interest Decision for a negotiated mineral lease of certain Trust land to Avidian Gold Alaska Inc. due …

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Negotiated Surface Lease – Gil Project – Fairbanks

The Alaska Mental Health Trust AuthorityTrust Land OfficeBEST INTEREST DECISION AFFIRMEDNegotiated Surface Lease – Gil Project – Fairbanks MHT 9400735MH Parcel(s) F70015 Action: Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated December 4, 2020 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated December 4, 2020, constitutes the final decision on this …

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Negotiated Land Sale – Soldotna – MHT 9200751

The Alaska Mental Health Trust AuthorityTrust Land OfficeBEST INTEREST DECISION AFFIRMEDNegotiated Land Sale – Soldotna MHT: 9200751MH Parcel: SM-0667 Action: Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated November 24, 2020 regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated November 24, 2020, constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance …

Public Notice for the Decision to Issue a Negotiated Surface Lease – Victoria Creek Project – Fairbanks – MHT 9400734

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to complete a negotiated surface lease of certain Trust land to Fairbanks Gold Mining, …

Public Notice of the Decision to Issue a Negotiated Mineral Lease – Amanita Project – Fairbanks – MHT 9400743

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office Notice under 11 AAC 99.050 of Decision to Issue a Negotiated Mineral Lease – Amanita Project – Fairbanks MHT #9400743 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined that it …

Public Notice of the Decision to Issue Exclusive Temporary Easement – Gil Access Project – Fairbanks – MHT 9400736

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office Notice under 11 AAC 99.050 of Decision to Issue Exclusive Temporary Easement – Gil Access Project – Fairbanks MHT #9400736 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined that it …

Public Notice Invitation for Proposals : Trust Land Office Competitive Timber Sale – Shelter Cove Timber Sale – Ketchikan

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office Competitive Timber Sale – Shelter Cove Timber Sale  Ketchikan, Alaska MHT#: 9101005 MH Parcel: CRM-7059 Invitation for Proposals, Proposals are due no later than January 22, 2021.The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Trust Land Office, gives formal notice that it intends to dispose using an Invitation for Proposal process for the …

Public Notice for the Decision to Dispose of Madson Subdivision Parcels through the Trust Statewide Land Sale Programs – Moose Pass – TLO Project No. 2020-175 Madson Subdivision

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to dispose of a portion of Mental Health Parcel S20084 through the Trust Statewide …

Public Notice for the Decision to Dispose of Trust Parcels in Statewide Land Sale Programs – Statewide – FY 2021 – 2024

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Trust Land Office Notice under 11 AAC 99.050 of Decision to Dispose of Trust Parcels in Statewide Land Sale Programs – Statewide FY 2021 – 2024 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has …