Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Ground Lease and Supporting Easements – Healy – MHT 9400761

Action:  Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated June 29, 2023, regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated June 29, 2023, constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance with 11 AAC 99.040. Notice under 11 AAC 99.050.  The Trust Land Office published the public notice of the …

Best Interest Decision Affirmed – Ground Lease and supporting Easements – Healy – MHT 9400761

Action:  Adopt the Best Interest Decision dated June 29, 2023, regarding the above referenced disposal as final, without modification. This decision document, combined with the Best Interest Decision dated June 29, 2023, constitutes the final decision on this matter, in accordance with 11 AAC 99.040. Notice under 11 AAC 99.050.  The Trust Land Office published the public notice of the …

Recommendation to Lease Trust Land at Less than Fair Market Value to the Salvation Army – ADL 34810

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801, 11 AAC 99, and 20 AAC 40.710, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Resource Management Committee recommends that the Trust Authority Board of Trustees approve a 25-year ground lease with the Salvation Army for the property located at 3550 East 20th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska. The starting rent shall be …

Trust Announces $800,000 in Grant Awards to Partners Across Alaska

Anchorage, Alaska – The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority awarded more than $800,000 in grants to beneficiary-serving organizations in the final quarter of fiscal year 2023. Trust grants are awarded throughout the year to Alaska nonprofits, Tribal entities, state and local government agencies, and service providers that serve Trust beneficiaries. Beneficiaries include Alaskans who experience mental illness, substance use disorders, …

Public Notice of Decision to Issue Negotiated Land Leases – MHT 9200844 & 9200874

Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of AS 38.05.801 and 11 AAC 99, the Executive Director of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office (TLO) has determined that it is in the best interest of the Alaska Mental Health Trust and its beneficiaries to complete negotiated ground leases of certain Trust lands to Renewable IPP, LLC. The …