

The board of trustees of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority has established a finance committee to assist the board in the financial oversight of and strategic financial planning for the Trust.

John Morris, Chair
Kevin Fimon, committee member
Anita Halterman, committee member
Brent Fisher, nonvoting ex-officio member

Contact: Julee Farley, Chief Financial Officer

Program & Planning

The board of trustees of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority has established a program and planning committee to assist the board in the program and planning oversight of the Trust.

Agnes Moran, Chair
Rhonda Boyles, committee member
Kevin Fimon, committee member
Brent Fisher, nonvoting ex-officio member

Contact: Katie Baldwin, Chief Operating Officer

Resource Management

The board of trustees of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority has established a resource management committee to assist the board in advising the Trust Land Office (TLO) on managing the Trust’s non-cash assets including land and natural resources.

Corri Feigi, Chair
Rhonda Boyles, committee member
Anita Halterman, committee member
Brent Fisher, nonvoting ex-officio member

Contact: Jusdi Warner, Trust Land Office Executive Director

Audit & Risk

The board of trustees of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority has established an audit committee to assist the board in managing the annual financial audit process and identifying and addressing organizational risk.

Kevin Fimon, Chair
Corri Feigi, committee member
Anita Halterman, committee member
Brent Fisher, nonvoting ex-officio member

Contact: Julee Farley, Chief Financial Officer


The role of the executive committee will be to: ensure development and implementation of policies for governing the Trust; and promptly review emergency grant requests as required by 20 AAC 40.260(f).

Brent Fisher, Chair
Agnes Moran, Vice Chair
Rhonda Boyles, Secretary

Contact: Mary Wilson , Chief Executive Officer