The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is charged with the perpetual management and safeguarding of Trust assets for the benefit of current and future generations of beneficiaries. The Trust’s cash assets are invested and managed by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) and the Department of Revenue Treasury Division, both of which invest the Trust’s money in a high-quality mix of stocks, bonds and other investments to generate income. The Trust Land Office is responsible for managing non-cash assets, which include approximately one million acres of land and a portfolio of high-quality properties in Alaska, Washington, Utah and Texas. Revenue-generating uses of Trust land include land leasing and sales; commercial timber sales; mineral exploration and production; coal, oil and gas exploration and development; and sand, gravel and rock sales.
As of June 30, 2024, the Trust had $740,162,000 in investments managed by APFC and $53,768,000 in investments managed by the Department of Revenue Treasury Division.
The total amount available each year for trustees to allocate is a combination of the following:
- Fund payout (4-year average of 4.25 percent of the total cash asset value of the Trust's Principal and Budget Reserves)
- Spendable income from land and non-cash assets (2-year average)
- Interest income from cash investments (most recent fiscal year)
- Any lapsed or unspent funds from the previous fiscal year (2-year average)
This funding system ensures a predictable and relatively constant cash flow from year to year.
Trustees approve operating and capital budgets in two-year cycles, with annual recommendations to the governor and Legislature. While trustees are authorized to spend Trust income without legislative appropriation, they are required by statute to recommend to the governor and Legislature operating and capital budgets for state general funds to support the Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Program. The governor must then propose and the Legislature must pass a separate bill, known as the Mental Health Budget Bill, which includes budgets for Trust funds and state general funds.
FY25 Distribution
FY25 Budget
Authority Grants (grants to non-state agencies): $19,442,000
Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipts (grants to state departments): $10,350,800
Agency Budget (inclusive of Trust Authority and Trust Land Office): $10,590,400